Ice Cream Sandwich ( Android 4.0 ) on NOKIA N9

As we all know that Nokia sold the largest no. of handsets. First there was java os in their phones, then symbian, then anna .......Windows. Everyone was expecting from the beginig. And now atlast its here. Ya you heard that right. Android in Nokia phones. There is no need to tell you that how amazing is android. Like you an install custom rom and bla bla bla.... You can also screenshots above. The will be soon in our hands. Nokia hasn't given the release date. We are Expecting lot more from Nokia and hope you too.
Things expected to work:
- based on Android Open-Source Project (AOSP) v 4.0.3_r1 (IML74K)
- dualboot kernel (without reflashing), ability to choose OS after power on.
- 3D drivers, OpenGL
- hwrotation (portrait mode only, accelerometer HAL doesn't work)
- touchscreen (multitouch)
- hw buttons (volume, power)
- ECI accessory (headset buttons)
- USB networking
- lcd off in sleep mode
- alarm driver, RTC
- mounting MyDocs as "SDCard" [realized; NOT FIXED, but HACK EXISTS]
- basic video decoding (sw) and playback, youtube (choppy)
- basic CellMo functionality: network registration, USSD, SMS, data (GPRS/EDGE/3G), signaling. Actually, ofono/ofono-ril stack is used: all things that it able to do on the n9.
- bluetooth (scanning, can pair
devices. I didn't test deeper).
- charging (note: without any
notification in UI)
- sensors: accelerometer
- audio: playback (audio routing to: loudspeaker, headset or earpiece)
- lights HAL (lcd brightness)
- root access (via adb shell; su/Superuser.apk)


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