iOS 7 Redesign Features Lots of Black and White

We still don’t know much about the heavily redesigned iOS 7 for sure, but Sir Jony Ive and the rest of Apple are hard at work completely revamping the mobile operating system that Steve Jobs and former iOS chief Scott Forstall established with the original iPhone.
Rumor has it Ive and Apple will ditch the heavy shading style known as skeuomorphism for flat surfaces and a theme heavy on black and white. The handful of in-house apps will also get a redesign from the inside out. Icons will be simplified with each getting it’s own distinct color. Inside, each app will feature a white base overlayed with its respective color, 9to5Mac said.
Two other corners of iOS that are ripe for change at Ive’s hands are the notification center and lock screen. Have you figured out the pattern yet? Both will lose their shaded designs for a flat black and white layout. The lock screen’s password number grid will be replaced with round, black buttons and may also see improved gesture control. Meanwhile, the drop-down notification center is expected to feature a few new widgets.
If the rumors are true, Jony Ive’s vision for iOS 7 will drastically change the look and feel of the software without alienating users or changing the way iOS works. So what would Steve Jobs think? Apple’s fearless leader was never one to back down, and the coming changes threaten to strip away a piece of his legacy. Then again, Jobs was never afraid to make bold moves, and in the face of growing competition from Android and complaints that iOS is getting stale, a drastic redesign from Apple’s design guru may be exactly what Steve Jobs would have ordered.


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