Apple 12.9-Inch iPad Shown Off in Concept Images

Despite how silly some people may think a 12.9-inch iPad would be, it’s something worth at least considering how it might look.

A rumor popped up in May about the iPad Maxi, which pretty much everyone dismissed as bogus. The rumor has since popped up again from a slightly more reliable source, so the folks over at MacRumors decided to see just what a 12.9-inch iPad might look like.

The images show off what the massive tablet might look like compared to a 9.7-inch iPad, an iPad mini and a 13-inch MacBook Air. As silly as this concept sounded at first, you can now color us a bit intrigued.

Will it actually appear on store shelves? We don’t know, but if it does the rumors are pointing to it happening in 2014. Stay tuned.


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