iOS 7 Has Some Cool Additions Apple Failed to Mention

Starting today, Apple’s mobile OS is going to be completely different—new icons, new features, and an all new approach under Jony Ive. The core is still familiar. But Apple made it clear iOS 7 is essentially starting from the beginning; the biggest comprehensive update to the platform since launching in 2007.

The company spent a good deal of time going over the headlining features: Control Center, Multitasking, Notification Center, iTunes Radio, AirDrop, improved Siri and more. But there are some minor alterations Apple is introducing that the company didn’t go over on stage during its opening presentation on Monday. Now that folks are getting their hands on the beta version, little snippets of info are hitting the Web, and they’ll surely please fans.

For starters—and this really shouldn’t be such a big deal in the first place—Apple is allowing users to stick Newsstand in a folder. So, if you prefer, that little icon you never use can be banished to a folder of other apps you’d rather just delete (but can’t). Apple is finally giving up slight control to the user, which in itself is a big deal, however little. People are excited nonetheless.

Other little tidbits coming across the Web include a live clock icon which reflects the current time, a revamped Spotlight that can be accessed by tugging down on the home screen, and Flickr and Vimeo integration. It’s unclear exactly how those last two will work, especially with Apple putting a premium on its own iCloud services, but users will presumably be able to share through those platforms seamlessly.

We haven’t yet gotten the chance to use Jony Ive’s newly redone iOS, but we will as soon as possible. Over the coming days, users will likely find new quirks and features Apple failed to mention during its presentation, so keep an eye locked. One thing we’re really hoping for is quick reply to messages, but it doesn’t look like that’s a focus of this beta (maybe it’ll come later!).


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